028 9145 2555
028 9181 8909

 veneers northern ireland

A fast way to perfect teeth!


Veneers are made from wafer-thin porcelain that your dentist bonds to the front of your tooth, similar to the way you might apply a false fingernail.

Veneers can be placed on a single tooth, or multiple teeth, to add a uniform shape, symmetry and colour to your smile, hiding small imperfections like stained, chipped or crooked teeth.

More commonly a greater number of veneers- typically 2, 4 or 6- are placed together to enhance the overall appearance and to create symmetry in the smile.

Best of all, they are incredibly strong, stain-resistant and give your teeth a naturally white and consistent appearance- quickly and beautifully.



Veneers Packages

4 teeth package and Digital Smile Design  
6 teeth package and Digital Smile Design
8 teeth package and Digital Smile Design

(All packages available with 1 years interest free credit with £500 deposit– see monthly payment)
(Other finance options available)

How veneers work

What is the process?

Having multiple veneers placed can take 3 visits or more.

Your First Veneers Appointment

During your first visit, we will take photos and a coloured digital scan of your mouth.

We will use these scans to make a diagnostic ‘mock up’ of what your veneers will look like when they are put in place. Once we have created your perfect smile we will invite you back for a consultation to see if you agree!

Your Second Veneers Appointment

If you’re happy with your potential new smile, we will set the next appointment where we will remove a thin layer of enamel to prepare your teeth for the veneers. This process creates an area on your teeth for your veneers to easily slide onto.

You will then have a high quality temporary material applied to your teeth in the shape of your agreed veneers- what we call the ‘trial smile’. This draft version of your final veneers allows you to get used to the feel and appearance of your new smile and to ensure you are happy with the change.

Your Third Veneers Appointment

After a few weeks you will have another appointment where we discuss the look and feel of your veneers and allow us to make any changes. Most people are happy with their new smile as is, but we will happily make any adjustments you would like before we digitally replicate your final veneers.

Your Last Veneers Appointment

Next, an appointment is made to fit your personally approved finished veneers before scheduling your final appointment to ensure your new smile is everything you hoped for.

Veneers work great for just about anyone but like anything, there can be exceptions. If you have any untreated gum disease, tooth decay/acid erosion, or you grind your teeth, veneers may not be the best option for you until any of these issues are resolved.

Generally speaking, having a veneer put in place is painless. Occasionally some people experience mild sensitivity during the treatment or for a few days after. Any discomfort can be treated with ibuprofen or paracetamol, but it normally goes away on its own.

People normally choose veneers because they are unhappy about the shape, colour or position of their smile. This can cause a lack of confidence for many.

We take great pride and care when we place your new veneer. When veneers are applied properly and professionally and are well cared for by you through good oral hygiene and diet, they should last a very long time.

Veneers will survive the same wear and tear as natural teeth, but that also means your veneer can break, wear or fracture just like natural teeth. It’s also worth noting that if you consume lots of sweets, fizzy drinks or other sugary treats, your tooth can still decay and your veneer may need to be replaced.

When veneers do need replacing it is normally due to chipping, staining or they have come away from the tooth.

Because veneers are made of ceramic and other materials they do not stain or respond to tooth whitening the same way as natural teeth.

However, if you would like your new smile to be as white as possible, we suggest getting your teeth whitened BEFORE the veneer process takes place. Once your natural teeth are at their desired shade we can match your veneers to your new whiter shade.

It’s important to keep in mind that it can take 4-6 weeks for tooth whitening so plan ahead!

Caring for your new veneer
Here are a few ways to help make your new veneer last as lifetime:

Avoid chewing hard foods such as hard sweets, ice, raw carrots, etc.

Continued care:
Regular six-month check-ups are recommended to help spot any early-stage damage and make it easier to repair. Waiting until the damage is more noticeable may require redoing the entire restoration.

Keep in mind that some veneers may show slight stains around the edges. If you see this happening we can usually repair it quickly and easily.

Overall, with a good oral health routine and regular visits to your dentist, your veneers should last many, many years.

Get in Touch

Fill in your details below and one of our team will be in touch with you shortly. We look forward to seeing you soon.